How do you form the passive voice in French?

In French grammar, the passive voice is formed using the auxiliary verb "être" (to be) followed by the past participle of the main verb. The subject of the sentence receives the action rather than performing it.

Here's how to form the passive voice in French:

  1. Select the Appropriate Form of "Être":

    Choose the correct form of the auxiliary verb "être" based on the tense and subject of the sentence (e.g., present tense, past tense, etc.).

  2. Add the Past Participle:
    Add the past participle of the main verb after the conjugated form of "être." The past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject of the sentence.

  3. Form the Sentence:

    • Place the subject (if mentioned) after the verb "être" to indicate who or what is receiving the action.

    • Place any additional information or complements after the verb phrase.


Examples in the present tense:

  • Active Voice: Les étudiants lisent le livre.
  • Passive Voice: Le livre est lu par les étudiants. (The book is read by the students.)
    In this example:

    - "Le livre" (the book) is the subject receiving the action.

    - "Est lu" is the present tense form of "être" (third person singular) followed by the past participle "lu" (read), agreeing in gender and number with "le livre."

    - "Par les étudiants" (by the students) indicates who is performing the action (optional in passive voice constructions).

It's important to note that the passive voice is less common in French than in English and is often used in more formal or literary contexts.

Published at 2024/02/28