What are the genders in French grammar and how are they determined?

In French grammar, nouns have two genders: masculine and feminine. Determining the gender of a noun can be challenging because there are few hard rules.


Some guidelines include: 

Natural Gender: Nouns referring to living beings often have a gender corresponding to the gender of the being (e.g.: homme - masculine, femme - feminine).


Suffixes: Certain suffixes can hint at a noun's gender (e.g.: -e usually feminine, -age usually masculine).


Diminutives: Diminutives often take the gender of the original word.

Original word: "chien" (dog)

Diminutive form: "chiot" (puppy)

Both "chien" and "chiot" are masculine, so the diminutive form "chiot" maintains the same gender as the original word.

Masculine Default: In some cases, the masculine form is used as a default when gender is unspecified.


Irregularities: Some nouns do not follow consistent rules and must be memorized (e.g., le téléphone - masculine, la voiture - feminine).


Agreement: Adjectives and modifiers must agree in gender with the nouns they modify.


Practice and exposure to the language are essential for mastering noun gender due to numerous exceptions and irregularities.

Published at 2024/01/30