The Alphabet

The Alphabet

In this lesson, we will get to know the letters - L'alphabet in the French language.

Although the letters in the French language are considered Latin letters like English, their pronunciation differs from English and other languages that use the Latin alphabet.

The French language has 26 letters and is composed of two types of letters:

  • Mute Letters (Les lettres muettes): A, E, I, O, U, Y
  • Vocal Letters (Les lettres sonores): B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z

Here are examples of both mute and vocal letters:

Mute Letters (Les lettres muettes):

A - Chat (cat)

E - Table (table)

I - Lit (bed)

O - Soleil (sun)

U - Fleur (flower)

Y - Physique (physics)

Vocal Letters (Les lettres sonores):

B - Banc (bench)

C - Chat (cat)

D - Doigt (finger)

F - Fleur (flower)

G - Gâteau (cake)

H - Hôtel (hotel)

J - Jardin (garden)

K - Karaté (karate)

L - Lampe (lamp)

M - Musique (music)

N - Nuit (night)

P - Pomme (apple)

Q - Quatre (four)

R - Rouge (red)

S - Soleil (sun)

T - Table (table)

V - Voiture (car)

W - Whisky (whisky)

X - Xylophone (xylophone)

Z - Zèbre (zebra)

These examples showcase the pronunciation of each letter in French words.
If you have any questions, inquiries, or suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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