Prepositions of Place in French

Prepositions of Place in French

Prepositions of place are essential for describing the location of objects, people, or events in French. They indicate where something is located to something else. In this lesson, we will explore the common prepositions of place in French and how to use them in sentences.

1. Prepositions of Place:

  Here are some common prepositions of place in French:

À at/to
Dans in
Sur on
Sous under
Derrière behind
Devant in front of
Entre between
À côté de next to
Près de near

2. Examples:

Je suis à la maison. I am at home.
Le stylo est dans le tiroir. The pen is in the drawer.
Le livre est sur la table. The book is on the table.
Le chat est sous la chaise. The cat is under the chair.
La voiture est devant la maison. The car is in front of the house.
Les enfants sont entre les arbres. The children are between the trees.
Mon ami est à côté de moi. My friend is next to me.
L'école est près de la bibliothèque. The school is near the library.

3. Exercises:

   Translate the following sentences into French using the appropriate preposition of place.

   a) The keys are on the table.

   b) She is standing in front of the door.

   c) The park is next to the supermarket.

   d) The cat is under the bed.


   a) Les clés sont sur la table.

   b) Elle est debout devant la porte.

   c) Le parc est à côté du supermarché.

   d) Le chat est sous le lit.

Prepositions of the place play a crucial role in describing the location of objects, people, or events in French. By mastering these prepositions, you can effectively communicate about positions and locations in various contexts. Practice using prepositions of place in your daily conversations to enhance your French language skills.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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