Preposition À in French

Preposition À in French

In French, the preposition "à" is one of the most common prepositions and has multiple meanings and uses. It is equivalent to the English prepositions "to," "at," or "in," depending on the context.

How to write the preposition "À" with definite articles:

When "À" is followed by a definite article, we need to differentiate based on whether the definite article is singular masculine, singular feminine, or plural:

1- Singular feminine definite article:

à + la = à la

Example: à la maison

2- Singular masculine definite article:

à + le = au

Example: au marché

3- Plural definite article:

à + les = aux

Example: aux États-Unis


When do we use the preposition (À)?

1- Indicating Destination or Direction


  • Je vais à l'école. (I am going to school.)
  • Elle va au cinéma. (to the cinema)

2- Indicating Time


  • Je me lève à six heures. (I wake up at six o'clock.)
  • Je me réveille à 8 heures du matin. (I wake up at 8 o'clock in the morning.)
  • À Lundi. (See you on Monday.)

3- Indicating Position or Location


  • Le chat est à côté du chien. (The cat is next to the dog.)
  • Le livre est à table. (The book is on the table)
  • J’habite à Paris. (I live in Paris.)
  • Je suis à la gare. (I am at the train station.)

4- Indicating Purpose or Destination


  • Il achète du pain à la boulangerie. (He buys bread at the bakery.)
    Je vais à l'école. (I am going to school.)
  • Nous allons à la plage. (We are going to the beach.)


5- Indicating Possession or Ownership


  • Le livre appartient à Marie. (The book belongs to Marie.)
  • Cette voiture est à Pierre. (This car belongs to Pierre.)
  • La maison est à mes parents. (The house belongs to my parents.)
  • Le livre est à Paul. (The book belongs to Paul.)


6- Indicating Manner or Means


  • Je parle à haute voix. (I speak in a loud voice.)
  • Voyager à vélo. (To travel by bicycle.)
  • Travailler à temps partiel. (To work part-time.)
  • Se déplacer à pied. (To move around on foot.)

7- Indicating a Specific Object or Person


  • Je pense à toi. (I am thinking of you.)
  • Donner un cadeau à Marie. (To give a gift to Marie.)
  • Écrire une lettre à mon ami. (To write a letter to my friend.)
  • Répondre à la question. (To answer the question.)

The preposition "à" in French is versatile and has various uses, including indicating destination, time, location, purpose, possession, manner, and specific objects or persons. Understanding its different meanings and contexts is essential for mastering French grammar and communication.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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