Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns (Les pronoms personnels sujets) in French are important and used daily. In this lesson, we will learn about personal pronouns with examples for each to make understanding and memorization easier.

The personal pronouns in French:

Je I
Tu You - Singular - Informal
Il / Elle / On He / She / One - Singular
Nous We - Plural
Vous You - Singular or Plural - Formal or Plural
Ils / Elles They - Plural


Je suis étudiant. I am a student.
Tu aimes le chocolat. You like chocolate.
Il travaille ici. He works here.
Elle parle français. She speaks French.
On va au cinéma. One goes to the cinema / We go to the cinema.
Nous étudions ensemble. We study together.
Vous êtes professeur. You are a teacher.
Vous parlez français. You speak French.
Ils aiment voyager. They like to travel.
Elles sont étudiantes. They are students.

These examples demonstrate how personal pronouns are used in simple sentences. Personal pronouns play a crucial role as they take the place of the subject in a sentence. 

If you have any questions, inquiries, or suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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