Learning French - Days, Months, and Seasons in French

Learning French - Days, Months, and Seasons in French

In this lesson, we will learn about the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons in French. Mastering these terms is essential for describing time-related concepts and scheduling activities in French-speaking contexts.

1. Days of the Week:

The days of the week in French are as follows:

  1. Monday: lundi
  2. Tuesday: mardi
  3. Wednesday: mercredi
  4. Thursday: jeudi
  5. Friday: vendredi
  6. Saturday: samedi
  7. Sunday: dimanche

2. Months of the Year:

The months of the year in French are:

  1. January: janvier
  2. February: février
  3. March: mars
  4. April: avril
  5. May: mai
  6. June: juin
  7. July: juillet
  8. August: août
  9. September: septembre
  10. October: octobre
  11. November: novembre
  12. December: décembre

3. Seasons:

The seasons in French are:

  1. Spring: le printemps
  2. Summer: l'été
  3. Autumn/Fall: l'automne
  4. Winter: l'hiver

4. Usage in Sentences:

  • Je vais à l'école le lundi. (I go to school on Monday.)
  • Mon anniversaire est en février. (My birthday is in February.)
  • Nous aimons faire du ski en hiver. (We like to ski in winter.)

5. Practice Sentences:

  • Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui? (What day is it today?)
  • En quelle saison est ton anniversaire? (In which season is your birthday?)
  • Quel mois préférez-vous? (Which month do you prefer?)

Understanding the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons in French is crucial for expressing time-related concepts and scheduling activities. Practice using these terms in sentences to improve your French language skills and enhance your ability to communicate effectively in various contexts.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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Dafaallah Jalow


3 months ago