The Verb "Aller" in the present tense

The Verb

In French, the verb "aller" means "to go." It is an essential verb that is commonly used in various contexts. Today, we will delve into its conjugation in the present tense. Understanding how to use "aller" in the present tense will enable you to express actions or movements happening in the current moment. Let's explore its conjugation along with some examples.

Conjugation of "Aller" in the Present Tense:

The verb "aller" is irregular, so its conjugation doesn't follow the regular patterns seen in other verbs. Here's how "aller" is conjugated in the present tense:

Je vais I go
Tu vas You go - singular, informal
Il/elle/on va He/she/one goes
Nous allons We go
Vous allez You go - singular or plural, formal
Ils/elles vont They go


Je vais au cinéma. I am going to the cinema.
Tu vas à l'école. You go to school.
Il va au travail. He goes to work.
Elle va chez son ami. She goes to her friend's place.
Nous allons au restaurant ce soir. We are going to the restaurant tonight.
Vous allez visiter le musée. You are going to visit the museum.
Ils vont faire du shopping. They are going shopping.

Usage Tips:

  1. Frequent Actions:

    "Aller" is often used to express routine actions or activities that someone is going to do regularly.
    Example: Je vais à la gym tous les jours. (I go to the gym every day.)
  2. Expressing Future Actions:

    While there is a specific future tense in French, "aller" can also be used to express future actions when followed by an infinitive verb.
    Example: Elle va étudier à Paris l'année prochaine. (She is going to study in Paris next year.)
  3. Common Expressions:

    "Aller" is frequently used in common expressions, such as asking someone how they are or how things are going.
    Example: Ça va bien, merci. (I'm doing well, thank you.)

Practice Sentences:

Here are some practice sentences using the verb "aller" in the present tense:

  1. Nous ________ au parc ce week-end. (We are going to the park this weekend.)
  2. Tu ________ à la bibliothèque après les cours. (You are going to the library after class.)
  3. Ils ________ au restaurant pour célébrer leur anniversaire. (They are going to the restaurant to celebrate their anniversary.)
  4. Elle ________ à la plage avec ses amis. (She is going to the beach with her friends.)
  5. Vous ________ faire les courses en ville. (You are going shopping in town.)
  6. Il ________ à la fête d'anniversaire de son cousin. (He is going to his cousin's birthday party.)
  7. Comment ________-vous au travail chaque jour ? (How do you go to work every day?)
  8. Nous ne ________ pas à la réunion demain. (We are not going to the meeting tomorrow.)
  9. Elles ________ au cinéma ce soir. (They are going to the cinema tonight.)
  10. On ________ à la montagne pour les vacances d'hiver. (We are going to the mountains for the winter holidays.)

Here are the corrections for the practice sentences:

  1. Nous allons au parc ce week-end.
  2. Tu vas à la bibliothèque après les cours.
  3. Ils vont au restaurant pour célébrer leur anniversaire.
  4. Elle va à la plage avec ses amis.
  5. Vous allez faire les courses en ville.
  6. Il va à la fête d'anniversaire de son cousin.
  7. Comment allez-vous au travail chaque jour ?
  8. Nous n'allons pas à la réunion demain.
  9. Elles vont au cinéma ce soir.
  10. On va à la montagne pour les vacances d'hiver.

Mastering the conjugation and usage of the verb "aller" in the present tense is crucial for effective communication in French. Practice these examples and incorporate them into your daily conversations to become more proficient in expressing actions in the present moment.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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