Jobs and Professions in French

Jobs and Professions in French

In French, there are distinct terms used to describe both specific jobs or occupations (Les métiers) and broader professional fields or careers (Les professions). Understanding the difference between these terms is essential for accurate communication about work-related topics in French.

What is the Difference Between "Les métiers" and "Les professions"?

Singular Indefinite Singular Indefinite Plural

  Un métier (a job)

Le métier (the profession)

 Les métiers (Jobs)

Une profession (a profession)

La profession (the profession)

Les professions (Professions)


1. Les métiers (Jobs/Occupations):

  • "Les métiers" refer to specific jobs or occupations that individuals engage in to earn a living.

  • These are concrete and often hands-on roles that involve specific tasks or functions.


  1. Médecin (doctor).

  2. Enseignant (teacher).

  3. Avocat (lawyer). 

  4. Ingénieur (engineer).

  5. Coiffeur/Coiffeuse (hairdresser).

  6. Serveur/Serveuse (waiter/waitress).


Le métier de médecin est très gratifiant. The job of a doctor is very rewarding.
Mon père travaille comme ingénieur. My father works as an engineer.


2. Les professions (Professions/Careers):

  • "Les professions" refer to broader professional fields or careers encompassing multiple related occupations.

  • These are more abstract and encompass a range of roles within a particular field or industry.


  1. La santé (healthcare).

  2. L'éducation (education).

  3. Le droit (law).

  4. L’ingénierie (engineering). 

  5. La restauration (hospitality).


La profession de l'enseignement demande beaucoup de patience. The teaching profession requires a lot of patience.
Elle a choisi la profession de l'ingénierie comme carrière. She chose engineering as her career.



Identify whether the following terms refer to a specific job (métier) or a broader profession (profession):

  1. Médecin (doctor)

  2. Éducation (education)

  3. Avocat (lawyer)

  4. Ingénierie (engineering)

  5. Coiffeur (hairdresser)

  6. Santé (healthcare)

  7. Serveur (waiter)

  8. Restauration (hospitality)


  1. Métier (Job)

  2. Profession (Profession)

  3. Métier (Job)

  4. Profession (Profession)

  5. Métier (Job)

  6. Profession (Profession)

  7. Métier (Job)

  8. Profession (Profession)


Understanding the difference between "Les métiers" (Jobs/Occupations) and "Les professions" (Professions/Careers) is crucial in French. "Les métiers" refer to specific jobs or occupations, while "Les professions" encompass broader professional fields or careers. Practice identifying and using these terms correctly to enhance your French language skills related to discussing work-related topics.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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